Members' Area

This page was last updated on 12 June 2024


The username and password changed on 26th March 2024

(Members will be informed of the new username and password by email. Please check all of your email boxes for the notification.)

If forgotten, or notification not received, please email  


Enter username and password in the boxes that appears when you click below.



The Members' Area contains newsletters (1991 to present), volumes 1- 6 ,10, 13,16 and 19 of Audley Historian, the full index to the Staffordshire Advertiser 1840 -1920, the Wood Lane 1911 Census transcription, Funeral Cards database, extracts of Audley St. James's Parish Church magazines (from 1920) and Old Audley

More content will be added periodically.


You may join the Society here



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