Updated 13 April 2024


Please note: When you join or renew your membership, your name, address and email address is forwarded to our Membership Officer, who is the sole holder of your information in secure electronic form. That information is used only for society communication purposes and is not divulged to a third party. When you cease to be a member your information is held for three years then destroyed. You may enquire about the information we hold at any time by request to General Enquiries.


Note: when you pay by Paypal you are taken to Paypal's SECURE site

please note: Paypal payments are to "Ian Wallbank" account, then transferred to the Treasurer. Membership details are forwarded to the Membership Secretary.


Membership is £6.00 for a single person and £9.00 for couples.  

Membership is from 1st January to 31st December  

Please note, if you join between 1 October and 31 December , membership will be to the end of the following year.

Please contact Ian Wallbank or pay online by PayPal below.


Membership benefits:

1. Opportunity to contact people with similar research interests.

2. Three Newsletters each year.

3. Publications : 50p cheaper .

4.Acess to the Members Area of the website.

5. Mrs Christine Huxley will do a moderate amount of research on your behalf (Contact us) This service is free of charge, but the research is only done from the records Christine holds at home.





This is a convenient way of joining the Society and renewing your membership - no cheque to send and no postage to pay.

If you do not have a PayPal account, payment can be made by credit card or debit card.

If you prefer to pay the traditional way by cheque, please contact Ian Wallbank ,Acting Membership Secretary.

Problems with PayPal? Contact me


New Membership

Single person - new member


Couple at same address - new member




Membership Renewal


Single person - renewal



Couple at same address - renewal








